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Showing posts from June 8, 2018

A Fan's Tribute to The King

It was July 8th, 2010.  Fort Leonardwood, Missouri.  0600 (that's 6am for all you non-military lingo folk).  I was in Advanced Individual Training (AIT; basically just an extension of basic training), eating breakfast in the chow hall.  If you're lucky, you'll catch a glimpse of the 32 inch TV hanging up in the corner of the room that had the morning edition of Sportscenter for about 10 minutes, until you had to haul ass outta there and get started with the rest of your day.  Not a lot was going on at this time of the year.  I had two weeks to go until I headed home for the first time in five months, so my mood was pretty positive. Until I glanced up at the TV.  The red 'Breaking News' alert was flashing on a loop on the bottom of the screen.  LeBron James was leaving the Cavaliers with the intention of joining the Miami Heat.  It became official at 9:28 pm that night.  It was a major punch to the gut.  I remember operating a bulldo...